Expertise in thermal separation technology
For more than six decades, we have been continuously expanding our expertise in thermal separation technology. Samesreuther & Co. GmbH, founded in 1919, specialised since 1950 in thermal process technologies. In 1964 the company merged with Müller-Schuss GmbH to form SMS. By 2003, parts of Luwa AG, Buss AG and Canzler GmbH joined under one roof. This created Buss-SMS-Canzler GmbH in its current form: a company with unique expertise.
We have been setting highly innovative standards in thermal separation technology for many decades. We are not only experts when it comes to specialised processing of substances difficult to handle, but also in designing and manufacturing your high quality process equipment. Today, we go one step further by offering smart equipment solutions, combining advanced technology with our proven expertise to optimise efficiency, precision, and control in every application.