Large Volume Processors
Reacom, Reasil & Reactotherm
The highest viscosity melts incl. phase change can be processed.
Large Volume Processors
Reacom, Reasil & Reactotherm
The highest viscosity melts incl. phase change can be processed.
Large volume processing of highly viscous melts including phase change
The Large Volume Processor program consists of horizontally arranged, heated reactors with either a single or twin (co- or counter-rotating) shaft which provide intensive mixing and kneading. The highly versatile large volume processors Reasil, Reacom and Reactotherm are characterised by the following advantages:
- Very large volumes
- The highest viscosity melts (up to 15,000 Pas) and solids can be processed efficiently
- Low shear processing
- Long residence times are achieved economically
- Mixing, devolatilisation, reaction and phase change (from melt to solid) can take place in the same machine.
- Reactotherm units are also available for batch operation
A successful devolatilisation or reaction system consists of the appropriate processor design with integrated properly engineered subsystems. SMS can provide a complete system, including installation and start-up services, or full engineering and design documentation to allow you to add the necessary subsystems for our high volume processors.
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Find out more about our large volume single shaft processors designed for pilot scale
testing of processes with high viscous
products in drying, chemical reaction and residual treatment.