
& Recycling

Handling solid and liquid residue needs sturdy equipment which can process feed with varying properties.

& Recycling

Handling solid and liquid residue needs sturdy equipment which can process feed with varying properties.

Environmental Industry & Recycling

Important tasks in environmental protection are the recovery of valuable products from waste streams and the pre-treatment of waste streams for final proper disposal. Among others, SMS offers equipment for solvent and lube oil recovery as well as for sludge drying. The great number of SMS installations demonstrates our competence and the market acceptance in this field.

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Inside Excellence in process technologies: We are number 1 in thin film evaporation technology and a global leader in drying and high viscosity technology. Take a look inside our technology brochure:



Evaporation Technology

We offer the world’s largest selection of thin film evaporators and build customer-specific equipment for the evaporation of materials which are difficult to handle such as viscous, fouling and heat-sensitive liquids.

Drying Technology

Depending on the requirement, we combine and customise drying processes and components to suit the product properties so that, for example, toxic or explosive materials can be safely and efficiently processed.

High Viscosity Technology

Our thin film processors and large volume reactors for the manufacture and preparation of polymers are world leaders and guarantee the very highest quality and efficiency as well as excellent process results.


Montage (15)-1
Biodiesel production has a residual which contains valuable glycerine and salts which have to be separated.
Design, manufacturing, and delivery of large-scale thin film dryers, which deliver the products dry salt and glycerine
ZhuYuan Referenz Website-1
Treatment of sewage sludge produced in the mega-city Shanghai
Design, manufacturing, and delivery of several lines for sewage sludge drying
Biochemical Planta2-1
Recovery of appr. 5'000 t/a of used lube oil
Design, manufacturing and delivery of thin film evaporators and an engineering package

The German way of joint innovation

Recognizing innovation is continuous optimization: Innovation is an evolutionary process which continuously creates added value for our customers.

  • Cooperation with our customers
    Working with our customers results in continuous enhancement of the functionality and efficiency of their plants. This is our main driving force of joint innovation.
  • Challenging of "traditional" processes 
    Even processes which have been performed successfully over the years may have potential for innovation, sometimes in minor details and components and sometimes in entire process steps.
  • Innovative tools as a base for innovative solutions
    Recent developments in computation allow deep insights into process details, thus generating new knowledge as a base for innovation.